Facilitating Into the Future
"Link For Success"
"Where Business Consulting & LinkedIn Services unite for competitive advantage"
The Big 3 Social Media Workshop
LinkedIn + Twitter + Facebook
It is hard to find really good training for Social Media! Every marketer in Dallas can tell you how to set up your social media empire, but what about when you are ready to take it to the next level? The Big 3 Social Media Workshop is for you!
Trainers:Lucinda Ruch, LinkedIn Training
John Sparks, Twitter Training
Lissa Duty, Facebook Training
When: Thursday, September 12 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Where: NovaCopy
4251 West John Carpenter Freeway
Irving, Texas 75063
Catch the Early Bird Tickets: $150 Expires 8/31/13
(Regular $200)
If you have any questions, please contact Lucinda at LucindaRuch@LinkForSuccess.com or 972-370-2386